Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

That is how my life seems right now. Only a few more weeks to blessed school starts and then I feel like I can get back to me... I have plans of joining the rec centre. It includes access to the gym, pool, courts and ice arena. I can not wait to get back to it. I also so desperately need a fill. My swelling is down and yes I can eat everything. I mean everything. YEs I have some restriction but I can eat bread, pasta, rice, desserts and so on. I definitely eat a lot of less but dang. I have gained 1-2 lbs scale has been funny weight is very fluctuating. So in september I will be booking a heavenly fill... I am pretty nervous because the doctor had a hard time finding my port the last time.. I was bruised and sore for days.. I am off again for another week of adventure. We are off tomorrow to get the rest of the kids supplies and clothes. Then we are off to my hometown to help my dad and step mom get moved.... WE will also hit up the PNE. Any BC folks will know what that is.. Just a whole lot of fun. It is a big fair.. Kids go when it is just playland for the rides adults go when it is the fair. Anyways how is everyone doing out there????

I need to go and switch my sprinklers around.. Only get 2 days to water..


  1. I feel you on the kids thing! This back to school shopping is for the birds!

  2. I am NOT looking forward to back to school - LUNCHES AND HOMEWORK - yuck!

    We are going to the PNE on Saturday - Bryan Adams baby - LOVE IT!
    We live 10 minutes away - a total EAST VAN GIRL!

    May just see you there...I will look for u!
