Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So much going on...

I am missing all of you soo much on here. I have been sooo busy. I did not realize how much of my time would be taken up with work and all my kids extra activities that they have. In my original plan I envisioned me still having some of my time. I feel like life is go go go and I do not get any chances to smell the flowers...

My holidays were awesome. Got to spend a lot of time with family and friends. I am still having issues with my band.. Since Dec 26. I thought it was getting better and then bammm I am sooo tight tonight that water is hurting going down.. I already know tonight I am going to suffer.. I will be going in for an un-fill again next week. I am at just over 3 ccs and still reacting badly.. I really love my band I just hate being soooo sensitive. It just seems like it takes one stuck episode and I suffer untill I get some unfill done. So as I sit here i am in serious pain...

My hubby and I have started a biggest loser challenge. I think there is close to 10 of us. It will be fun. I have been at a plateau for seems like ever. Hope this helps to jumpstart it.. My poor hubby figured out that he has slightly high blood pressure which at this point he just has to monitor and his cholesterol is high. So doctor suggested weight-loss and exercise. If they have not gone down by March he has to go on meds. That would suck so we are going to work on this together..

On a different note I have someone from Allergen phoning me about my lap-band experience. Will see what that is all about tomorrow...

Hope all of you out there are doing well..


  1. Allergan called me, as well. And I believe they called Lap Band Gal. They wanted to hear about my experience and then asked me to post Allergan new on my blog. I've only had them ask me once or twice to post news. And I've only seen one or two items on Lap Band Gal's blog about Allergan news ...

    I sent you an email...
    Happy VIBES!
