Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Good morning Everyone

So if you have not heard I have been having really bad headaches. I recently had blood work completed, an xray and just the other day a CT SCAN. Blood work was good as I believe the xray. So will see what the scan says. I also have an appointment with a orthodontist because I have a bad overbite which has created TMJ. I was told if I did not get my jaw and overbite fixed I would end up with Arthritis in my jaw. So I am off to the orthodontist on thursday I believe for a consult on braces. 36 and in braces how sweet will that be. LOL.. I have been going to massage and she believes it is my jaw and possibly an old whiplash injury. She says that I have soooo many health issues with my fybromyalgia, tmj and my past history. She went on to telling me about a health plan and that she believes it will help me with my headaches and fybro so I got a weeks worth of the meals. I did not want to fully commit I just want to see what it is all about. So I will be starting that on monday. The program is called Ideal Protein. It is high in protein and low in carbs. I think it will be great for people who have a difficult time with meal planning or people who can not seem to get enough protein in... I will keep you all updated. The one down side is it comes with vitamins. SOmething I have a hard time with. I may have to buy a pill slitter to get them in. The other product I am going to incorporate into my plan is a product called vega. But anyways. Just a check in with all of you. I am still suffering badly with my headaches and just want relief... IT has been going on for almost 2 months now.


  1. Sorry about the headaches. I have TMJ but it was fixed a bit when my dentist fixed my bite. I grind my teeth, especially when stressed and I know that can lead to some headaches. I hope all works out for you. It is such an individual trial and error to find out works for you. Good luck.

  2. Wow, poor Michelle, I didn't realise you had these problems. Let us know the result of the scan.
    I too have to grind up some of my pills, but they consequently taste so disgusting that I have to mix the resultant powder with a couple of drops of runny honey. Childish I know!
