Band news I have gotten a fill. I am not totally sure how much is in there. What I do know is that in the am I am tight. I can sip on tea and water. Lunch I can get solids down and I can same for supper. I can not eat or drink after 8 pm. I have to learn to not snack. We have a guest right now visiting and have been doing things like wiener roasts and big dinners with dessert. If it is here I will eat it. So time to get that crap out of my house.
I do have healthy food I just have to get back at eating them. I also need to up my protein....
I saw my surgeon for the first time since my lap band slipped. It was good to see her. I was being hard on myself because I had gained weight. I am still up 15 pbls since my lowest weight. My surgeon said that I am still doing very well considering the obstacles that I have had over the past year and a half... I was glad to hear that.
Well we are planning on loading up the travel trailer and going camping down at Vancouver for a couple of days. Will see how that goes...
Glad to see you are getting back down towards your low, and that everything is well, enjoy your time off :o)