Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I went shopping

Well I got my first cheque. SO we went shopping. I got me some nice new stuff. SO I found me some boots. I love them. We went all over the mall and I found this pair for $50.00 at payless. SO love them..
THis is one of my new outfits. I love it... Notice the nice bag of clothes that are tooo big waiting to find a new home. LOL..
THis is another new one. Notice the awesome sweater I got. I love it.. It will go with sooo many clothes.
So now the story. I am in a Ricki's size 16 in skirts. My shirts are in large and xlarge. The sweater I love is in a large. I am thrilled with this.. Anyways. all I am going to relax. I woke up with a headache and it is a douzy..


  1. Cute boots - I've been looking for some. I'll have to check them out. You look great!

  2. Lookin good Michelle, those boots are rockin'.

  3. Love the boots and the clothes :) You look great!!

  4. You look amazing! Love those boots and skirts! Perfect look for you.
