Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Last two weeks

This is the part that I hate.... THe last two weeks.... I feel so uncomfortable and uneasy... I know these last two weeks will go by fast but I just hate the feeling. I am also getting soooo excited about getting back to my old office thinking about all the things that I will need to get going on.. Hmmmm. SO excited.. It will be so much fun.. I love this job.. I must be weird..

Band news two more sleeps then i get a full unfill... Not sure what will happen but will keep you all posted.. ALso I want to thank all of you that have posted on my blog. I want you to know that it keeps me motivated and strong. Now I am off to read yours..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks for following my blog! I am 5'9" also... I'm sorry to hear that you have to get a full unfill, but I hope you start feeling better!
