Small Goal

My accomplishments with the mean old scale....

Sunday, June 19, 2011


So results from the barium xray were kind of hard to read, but my surgeons believe I have a slipped band. 80% of this kind of slip heal by just un-filling the band which mine has been for a while now.. If that does not work they will go in with a camera and see what is going on..

I really can not wait to go in for a fill. I have gained weight but I know it will come off again. It can just be soo discouraging. I am hoping to start my fills again not this week but next week..

So starting today I am starting a low carb eating plan. Not a diet but just trying to eat properly.

On other news I have been sooo busy. We started painting today. We got most of the ceilings painted then ran out of paint so I started on to the girls room. Matyana chose a purple colour paint. We got the full first coat on. I am sooo sore from painting today. Only a the rest of the basement to finish.. LOL..

Summer is almost here. Crazy my kids are soon off for the summer.

PS I am so crabby I have that yucky gyproc dust everywhere I clean it it is dirty again.


  1. Really hope that you manage to get a fill next week and all is ok with your band.
    All that decorating is great exercise.
    My kids are off for 8 weeks quite soon, 8 WEEKS!!!!

  2. I hope that the unfill fixes up that slip :) Sending you good vibes and success with your new eating plan

  3. I'm sending you good vibes also for your band. Sounds like you're getting great exercise though!!

  4. That sucks, but let it heal. {{{HUGS}}}

  5. You will come out on top! Sending you a big hug!
